Frances Willard House Museum
Home of the WCTU

Preserving the Past, Transforming the Future
National WCTU Library and Archives - the place where researchers come for primary sources.
Register for a Tour

Explore the home of one of the most famous and loved figures in American history. At the time of her death, Edward Wheeler of the Literary Digest wrote, "She was an awakener of women to the possibilities of true womanhood and she has probably done more than any other person who ever lived to bring to those of her own sex the world over, an adequate realization of their own powers."
Taking a tour of the Frances Willard House Museum requires some planning as the size of tours are limited. Tour requests must be made by contacting Office Manager Nancy Schultz at SignalPress1730@gmail.com
Tour Schedule & Office Hours
France Willard House will be closed for the winter starting November 20, 2024. Enjoy the winter holidays!
Tours for 2025 will begin in May. Hope to see you then.
Office Hours:
Thursday by appointment
Hours: 1:00-4:00pm