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Frances Willard House Museum
Home of the WCTU
Preserving the Past, Transforming the Future
National WCTU Library and Archives - the place where researchers come for primary sources.
The Parlor
As you walk into the parlor you will see a portrait of Mary, the beloved sister over the fireplace. The shelves in this room are lined with books and books, many of them gifts of the authors.
Often times during tours, you will hear the familiar music coming from the inlaid music box which was given to Frances Willard by Lady Henry Sommerset in 1894.
Frances Willard was asked what the music should be and her reply was, "The hymns that Mother loved best." So you may hear How Firm A Foundation, Nearer my God, to Thee, While the Days Are Going By, There is a land of Pure Delight, Home Sweet Home, and In Heavenly Love Abiding.
Photo from 1965
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