Frances Willard House Museum
Home of the WCTU

Preserving the Past, Transforming the Future
National WCTU Library and Archives - the place where researchers come for primary sources.
The Light of the WCTU Shines Brightly in Evanston!
Welcome to the Frances Willard House Museum website. The Frances Willard House is also know as Rest Cottage which is the name given to it by Frances and her mother.
Frances Willard would come home to Evanston after many weary traveling miles to rest according to Scripture, "Come ye yourselves apart and REST a while." In quiet meditation, she would renew her strength, ready to go out for further service. We trust that you too will take time to be rested and refreshed as you travel life's journey.
Arrangements for research in WCTU Archives or the Willard Memorial Library, can be made by contacting:
Nancy Schultz by phone (847) 864-1396 or email Archives to make an appointment.
Spring is in the air. That means that our annual winter break will be coming to an end. Tours of WCTU's Frances Willard Museum will be starting in May. In the meantime, sit back, relax, and take a virtual tour. We're looking forward to seeing you in person soon!